Thursday, November 20, 2014


When starting this blog I had already assumed that the class would be given prompts for each blog post. I was not expecting it to be as open as it was. Which as a group we liked because we were able to express our own individual thoughts without the limitations that prompts tend to have. Because of this we were able to bring up topics not discussed in class or revisit some in further depth. It also allowed us to read other peoples points of view and they were able to share some perspectives that we had not thought about. Over all making the understanding of what we were learning or reading about in class greater than if we were just reading a repeat of answers to the same prompt. Because there would probably be more or less of the same answers or thoughts.

Writing the blog in a group helped because we all have lives. And by having it in groups we were able to evenly share the work and our opinions. Our group worked very well with communication and understanding that if someone was busy one week that they would pick up the next one. As a whole our group worked out really well and gave each one of us a better friendship and we ended up looking to each other for help with class work. We also all have another class together and it brought us closer in that class as well. The only thing I personally would change about this is working harder to try and figure out how to link everyone's Google account say that way they wouldn't have to email their work to my personal email and I post it to the blog. Not really a big deal however.

I really like this combined with the class presentation as an alternative to taking a final exam, because personally I have really bad test anxiety and tend to learn more when I have homework vs. studying. And I ended up learning more about the class work this way by reading other peoples interpretations vs. studying and taking the exam on my own.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you liked this and found it a learning experience. It does seem that people speak in in-depth ways on their blogs.
